Peyton Williams

Peyton Williams

I was a Biology Major with Psychology and Chemistry minors. I plan to attend Medical School and become a gynecologist after I graduate. I was a member of Beta Beta Beta and Tau Lambda Sigma. I didn’t particularly have any free time, but if I did I would have spent it by being outside, playing the guitar, spending time with friends, or some combination of the three. I was the reigning Fall 2021 Amino Acid Race Champ until I took on Bill (Left-handed) and Jackson Dyroff. During my freshman year at Truman, I was visiting Dr. Miller in his office hours because I was struggling with his General Chemistry class. His lab students would frequently pop in and out with questions. Something I said impressed Robert “Bobby” Campbell (the man, the myth, the legend), who proceeded to ask me, “Would you like a spot on Dr. Miller’s research lab?” After looking back and forth between the two of them, I responded with, “Are you at liberty to offer me a position on Dr. Miller’s research lab?”, to which he replied confidently, “Yes, of course I am.” Bobby would forget my name shortly thereafter. I proceeded to ask Bill about his research lab and gained interest. I told my hallmates about this cool opportunity, which resulted in the three of us joining the lab at the same time, in Fall 2020. I’ve been complaining about VMD ever since.